Tell a friend about us

Do you have a neighbor or a brother-in-law in the neighborhood who needs last minute pet care? Do you know the nice new couple who just moved in down the street? We would love to hear from them!

We rely on word-of-mouth so spread the word! I promise it will be worth it and you get a special reward as well :)

Oasis’ Referral Program

Friend books their 1st order with us

We ask all new clients if they were referred by someone so we can apply credits properly where needed. The new client will also receive 5% off their 1st booking as a thank you to trusting Oasis with the handling and care of your fur babies.

*please note that the 5% discount only applies to the 1st booking and will NOT be applied to future bookings.

You receive $25 credit to your account

Yay! You’ve earned a credit just by telling friends and family about our business! What do you do with it? The $25 will be applied to your account and can be used on any order over $100.

*We always welcome and encourage referrals, however note that the credit only applies to the 1st person you refer.