Guide to Holiday Gifts for Cats!

Holiday gifts. It’s hard enough picking out what holiday gifts to give to your loved ones, but what do you give to your pets? They probably won’t care as much as a person, but you still want to give them something meaningful. Here is a guide to holiday gifts for your cats to enjoy on any holiday.

For Comfort: Ditch those old beds and upgrade! They don’t get to buy their own beds and we all know we don’t clean the beds as much as we probably should. Treat your cat(s) to a new sleeping place. Here are some options that I have found my cats love.

  1. Any Cardboard Box - Just like any cat who pretends to live in the wild, my cats like to hide in cardboard boxes and play in them. They are a great “gift” if you can’t afford a highly priced commercialized item. Plus any item you buy on amazon these days comes in a box, so it’s technically a gift inside a gift and costs you nothing. Your cats won’t know the difference, and they will love it all the same.

  2. Cozy Heated Bed - you could just purchase a regular new bed for your cat, but you could also upgrade it to buy a heated bed to keep your pet warm, especially during the colder months.

  3. Window Perch - my cats LOVE LOVE LOVE window beds. We have about 4 window seats and whenever I’m looking for the cats, I usually find them cuddled in one of the beds. It gives them something to do, especially if they are strictly indoor cats (like mine are). They can watch nature and fall asleep in the sun, and feel the warmth all in one product!

  4. Baby Chairs - When I was younger, my parents had these cute sesame street foam chairs for us kids. These days, those are the cat’s territory. They love snuggling in those chairs and they are perfect size for any cat.

  5. Reindeer Cat Bed - a specific holiday bed, I purchased a reindeer cat bed on amazon and one of my cats spends approximately 80% of the day lounging in it. It’s a covered oblong shaped bed with reindeer antlers on top of the bed. Super cute and stylish as the holiday rolls around

  6. Double Decker Bed - another thing that is wonderful is this double-decker bed. I can’t tell you how fun it is to purchase new beds for my cats. There are so many fun and versitile beds on the market right now but this is definitnely one of my favorites. It’s exctly what it sounds like; a square covered bed, with a second bed on the top. This is an especially great gift if you have multiple cats.

For Fun: Now onto the fun gifts! Obviously being a cat, they would like any treats, in lickable or chewable form, so i’ve only included one of those of this list.

  1. Temptations Creamy Lickables in Salmon and Chicken Flavor - I had never seen lickable treats prior to purchasing these and let me tell you, they are a hit! We usually split one tube amongst our 4 cats, and it’s plenty of a treat for them. It’s obviously not something to substitute for food, but can be a good snack on the go or if you want to give your pet something interesting and different.

  2. Fun Scratching Post - Same comment about the beds. I love looking at and purchasing new scratching posts, because the designs are all different! The different scratching posts have included: a mushroom, a cactus, a double decker with 2 beds and a holiday scratching post with a cork bottom and holiday themed toys springing off the bottom.

  3. Banana or Big Pickle - pretty much any toy a cat receives, they will love. However, some cats are more picky. One of my cats likes the jingling bell-type toys while another one of my cats prefers the crunchy sound a toy makes. So depending on what your cat likes, I recommend a big pickle or banana for those that prefer the crunchy sound and a stick with a feather and bell for those that prefer the bell sound.

  4. Tower Ball Toy - our two recent kittens absolutely loved this tower ball toy. It’s got 4 levels with a ball on each level and it’s a good toy to keep them entertained by themselves. It also helps engage their brain.

  5. Door Jam Toy- this past holiday, I got a toy to hang in a door jam. Since our cats are a fan of toys on a stick, I decided to try another version of it so they can play even when we aren’t around. Every time I find it, it’s off the door jam, but I guess this means they love it so much, they rip it down!

  6. Kitty Baby Mat - this toy is not only cute but helpful for baby kittens. It looks like a mat you would lay a human baby on, and has toys dangling above them. It’s cute to see how the baby kittens played with it and entertained themselves.

  7. Star Wars Toys - for some reason, when my 2nd oldest cat was younger, she became obsessed with this Yoda toy on a stick. There was no bell or a crunchy sound, so I’m not quite sure while she liked it so much. But she would drag it downstairs, carry it in her mouth, etc. She was with it to the toy’s very end. It has since been ripped off its stick and the toy itself is now tattered, but she loved that thing. She also loved a millenium falcon toy that did have a crunchy sound. That has reached its end as well, but she loved those two toys so much. Since, we have bought a few more star wars themed toys (a pack of holiday themed star wars characters, other ship themed toys, etc and they have been a big hit for our cats.

Whatever gift you give your cat, or pets in general, will be loved by them. Happy Holidays to you and your pet family!


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